Data Presentation and Dashboards

About Data Presentation and Dashboards

Precision Medicine Scotland can support you in the organisation and visual representation of data that makes it easy to understand and interpret through the use of Dashboard tools that provision charts, graphs, tables, and other visual aids to help users make sense of complex data sets.


Being able to convey information in a way that is clear, concise, and meaningful to the intended audience is vital when pushing the boundaries of analytics and research. This can involve selecting the most relevant data points, choosing the appropriate type of visualisation, and using colour and other design elements to enhance readability.

Effective data presentation through the use of Data Dashboards is an important part of data analysis and decision-making. It allows users to identify patterns and trends, compare data sets, and communicate findings to others. Precision Medicine Scotland is experienced in this presentation developed through the establishment of a Data Commons for previous project work.

To access the dashboard please fill in the details below:

Steven Scott

We are twofifths design agency. We design logos, create unforgettable brands, design & build beautiful websites, and bring stories to life through animated motion graphics films.

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